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Sample Orders From Israeli Restaurant Owners


The client is from Israel and is the owner of a high-end restaurant in Israel. His restaurant has been in operation for over a decade, and due to the scarcity of local land resources, vegetable prices are very expensive. Therefore, his business has a high cost and low profit margin. So the customer developed a self-sufficient method of growing their own vegetables, and accidentally learned about the hydroponic industry. They thought there was great potential, so they searched the website and left a message on our company's website.

Hydroponic Tower System

We contacted the customer as soon as we learned about their needs. The customer said they wanted to test the feasibility first, so we recommended the tower system to the customer. The shipping cost was low, and the customer thought it was okay, so they were happy to place the order. He stated that if the test is successful, he will place a large order in the future to meet his vegetable needs.

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